Introduce Yourself : Not sure if I belong here. by Brian O'Hare

Brian O'Hare

Not sure if I belong here.

My publisher's editor sent a Facebook post about Stage 32 and I put my name down without a lot of thought. Most indie writers do stuff like that. Anywhere their books might get a mention, they jump in. However, when I read about the multi-talented, multi-skilled individuals who constitute Stage 32's membership, I suddenly find myself in a large pool where I do not have much right to be. I intended to introduce myself as a writer but I am not even sure that I can call myself a writer yet . It could be, however, that I might be getting there. Two of my books have won New Apple 2014 awards (although it was well into 2015 before the selections were actually made). I have also found a publisher who will be publishing three of my books in the near future. When I hold the published versions of my kindle books in my hands I might then have the nerve to describe myself as a writer. (One is a mystery novel, one might best be described as contemporary fiction and the third is a non-fiction book)

Jacob A Tapia

Good to meet you Brian!

Brian O'Hare

Thank you, Kathryn, but maybe you should read some of my stuff before committing yourself to a judgement. [Oh! oh! This is just a response to your comment, not an invite to buy one of my books. :-) ]

Korak Day


Sarah Gabrielle Baron

You belong :)

Cali Gilbert

As a fellow writer, I'd like to extend a warm welcome Brian. Thrilled you decided to join us. Please let me know how I may support you in any way.

Jo Weber

Brian, check out my experience and story. (I think it's at the top of this page) If you want to grow mingle with the best. Stage 32 is about helping others.

Kevin Doy Burton

Welcome Brian,i'm a writer also. You're in the right place. Link

Brian O'Hare

Thank you everyone for the kind comments. It's overwhelming. Now I gotta figure out how to operate as member of Stage 32

Cali Gilbert

Just be YOU Brian and you'll fit right in :)

Brian O'Hare

Thank you, Aalok.

Brian O'Hare

Thank you, Cali. I'm not so sure about being me...maybe I'll need to adopt a more charismatic persona.

Brian O'Hare

Hi Cole.

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