Introduce Yourself : Documentary Filmmaker by Jacob A Tapia

Jacob A Tapia

Documentary Filmmaker

Hi Everyone, My name is Jake and I joined Stage32 a little while ago, but this is my first post. I'm currently in post on my first feature length documentary and starting development on another one. I love meeting other creatives so please feel free to connect and let me know what you're working on. Also, looking for a partner moving forward, a seasoned producer in documentaries. Let me know if you're interested in working together. Enjoy the weekend. - Jake

Brian O'Hare

Hi Jake. Thanks for the welcome. Like you, I'm new. I'll sit around a while to see how one should behave in this milieu. Hope you find the partner you're looking for.

Jacob A Tapia

Thanks Brian!

Jacob A Tapia

Thank you Kathryn - feels like a great group of people here :)

Lauren Elizabeth Jayne Stiener

Hi Jake and good luck

Korak Day


Cali Gilbert

Welcome Jake. I'm currently working on my first short but have ideas floating around for a documentary as well. Please let me know how I may support you in any way.

Jacob A Tapia

Very cool Cali - please keep me posted on progress!

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