Hello everyone! My name is Orlando Leon. I was born in Ecuador but raised in the Bronx, NY where I currently reside. I serve my country as a Personnel Specialist in the U.S Navy. I'm also an actor in the early stages of his career. My last gig was the Jim Gaffigan show. Since I'm still fairly new to the industry, I'm still learning the ropes and having fun while at it. I've recently decided to move to Los Angeles in hopes of fleshing out my resume and fulfilling my dream of becoming a working actor. Don't be afraid to say hi. I look forward to meet and learn from those within this community =0)
Hello Ms. Rushent, how are you? Pleased to make your acquaintance =0)
Welcome to the Stage, Orlando!
Thank you guys. I'll do it any day without hesitation.
¡Hola Orlando! Bienvenido.
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Muchas gracias Rebecca.
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I have three words for you. Network! Network! Network! Go to as many industry mixers as you can. IM me and I'll give you some suggestions. That is one advantage to begin L. A. Take advantage of it...
Thank you for the request Mr. Taub. And thanks for the advice, I'm open to any suggestions you have.
Nice meeting you Orlando. My link: amazon.com/author/kevindoyburton
Thank you Ms. Frost
Hi Orlando, and great you hooked up here. All the best in LA!
Hello Orlando, Unfortunately I'm a long way from LA, but I'm please to meet you here. Good luck, and like Bill said, network as much as you can, here and in groups offline. Often times there are groups designed for writers and directors who want to learn about acting. See if you can get involved with those :) Best of luck!
Thanks a lot Mr. Parker. Ms. Crotsdale thanks for the best wishes.
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Hi Orlando, have you read Marcus Giamatti's blog? Got great advice for actors :)
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Hey Ms. Winton! I'm reading it now. Thank you for this.
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Hi Orlando Welcome to this wonderful community Pretty new myself but already I have had amazing help and advice Enjoy
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Thank you for your service to our country, much respect. Best of luck with your career moving forward.
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Hello Orlando!! Welcome to this awesome community!!! Thank you greatly for your service in the Navy as that alone is an incredible gift and sacrifice! I am veteran as well as I 11 years in the Army and 2 in the Navy. I am always proud and honored to meet other veterans to connect with them!! I live here in Los Angeles as well as I am a full time film student at Columbia College Hollywood! Just an idea for you, a great way to build your resume and develop a film reel is many film students like myself are always looking for wonderful new actors to act in our film productions!
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Your Face and last name is so familiar to me Mr. Moreland. I Have a feeling we've met before.
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Lol we served together in PSD pensacola Moreland!!! Lol. This is awesome. Thanks stage 32! It's great to reconnect with you.
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What a connection you guys
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It is Ms. Steiner. Its amazing! back hen we were so involved in our work we didn't even know we had an interest in the entertainment industry.