Hi I'm writing a script and it has characters with two names each because they are other characters in a LARP game. But my writer's group finds this confusing. Should I use two names? And if yes how do I do it both in the character sheet and the story? I'm using Matt (Merlyn).
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Just use one name. I agree with your writing group, it would read confusing.
Hey, Beth! Happy Memorial Day Weekend! What did your writers group suggest?
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One suggested I write in the action something like Matt was acting as Merlyn. Two others just said I was confusing them.
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Hey Shawn happy memorial day to you too.
I'd use one name too. Use description if you need to, but the moment you lose your readers, it's a wrap for the story! Think Primal!
Okay thanks Shawn and Jean-Pierre
Hi Beth. As mentioned, use one character name. There are other devices you can use to show that the LARP name the character uses, like showing the action on screen with characters avatar and the alternate name will be on screen. I'm sure you can think of similar ways to show the same information. Clarity is key, avoid confusion when possible. Kind Regards, Eoin
Do you guys know any script examples I could use?
I have done this in my spec, 'Heaven's Earth'. Just explain in your intitial introduction that the character AVATAR'S NAME is an avatar for CHARACTER'S NAME. You can see my spec (it's uploaded, for now, on my loglines page, and I LOVE feed-back...even the dangerously close to 'this part sucks' honest type of feed-back).
Hi Beth, I can't think of any of hand, perhaps have a read of Avatar, to see how the transition between Jake and his Avatar are handled. As a very rough example: INT. MATT'S BEDROOM - NIGHT MATT (30s) a vision of hipster chic, slouches in a recliner. A headset frames his face, illuminated by the glow of a widescreen TV. He taps on a game controller. ON SCREEN: A game of 'Dragon Age' is underway. Matt's avatar, MERLYN, clad in medieval armor, slashes at opponents with a broadsword. BACK TO SCENE: Matt's eyes light up, he yanks on the headset mic. MATT Got you so bad that time bro. CALEB (V.O.) Your luck is about to run out. Kind Regards, Eoin
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There is "Ready Player One." A screenplay bought by Warner Bros and Steven Spielberg currently attached to it. In here, there's a character named Wade who's better known as Parzival in an online virtual reality game. The writer avoided confusing by using two names that doesn't look alike (a nice trick is that one of them has only one syllable, the other three) and to put in the Scene Heading when the character's in the real world, or in the fantasy one.
Makes me think of "The Guild" with Felicia Day. To my knowledge their scripts aren't available online for reference, but they primarily use the avatars' names. I would stick with whatever your main characters call each other - if the LARP game/player interactions are your primary focus, using those names reinforces the idea that LARP is more important to them than the outside "real" world. In a functional sense, their legal names would become nicknames.
Thanks guys for the help. You all make some excellent points.
Use one name. Example MATT#1 and MATT#2
Hmm Tshepo. Interesting idea. Thanks.
I don't find it confusing as long as both names begin with the same letter as you chose it (Matt and Merlyn). The trick then is not to use any other name beginning with M.
I looked at the play Noises off. When an actor spoke the writer used the actors name and when the character spoke the writer used the character's name. Hows that for confusing?