Filmmaking / Directing : Role of DP in Storyboarding by Shrirang Nargund

Role of DP in Storyboarding

its clear that Director puts his vision on paper graphically through storyboarding. ok, now this has few elements those are related to the work of DP. for instance, frame and camera movements. so what is the role of DP in making the storyboard? At what point DP can actively participate in storyboarding?

Andrew Sobkovich

There are a number of ways to come up with a storyboard. It can be slick drawings, photographs, or a description. Certainly the director will have ideas and perhaps sketches along with notes for the script. The DP will have the same. Those 2 people who are responsible for the images in a motion picture will work together to come up with the idea of what the picture looks like. The sooner the better. Once their ideas for the project come together, sketches can be done illustrating their thoughts. These drawings will change over time as ideas for the picture evolve. It is not written in stone until it is shot. I like the process a lot. This is one of the times for intense creativity. Crazy ideas, lots of choices that are then narrowed down to the approach that gets shown to others. As a DP, I listen carefully to what the director wants since it is their picture not mine. I try to accentuate the director’s thoughts to be able to bring what they want to see to the screen. Certainly I have my own ideas and will present them with supporting reasoning. It is a discussion not a competition. Once finished I will have my own stick figures and personal shorthand sketches of the picture. If the director wishes, then better sketches can be drawn for distribution. The key here is that the storyboard is the result of the imagination of the 2 people responsible for what is shot for the picture, working through the script and deciding on what will be on the screen. The storyboard then becomes the template for the picture that will be ever changing and evolving to make it better resulting in the picture we allow others to see on the screen.

Shrirang Nargund

thank you Andrew for the wonderful reply in detail. its such a great process where not only we visualize the film but also eliminate the confusions, saving valuable shooting time. As a Director I think, Director's storyboarding tells, what should be seen and then the question comes how it should be seen where DP & Director makes it final.

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