Hello Everyone, I have been making music as a hobby for some time now. i love to make music and also take challenges that make me grow musically. I would love your health criticism and mentor ship on Film music. I made this demo And would like you Views. https://soundcloud.com/stuce-the-sketch/film-score-demo/s-IreK9
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Two quick things: 1. I don't normally comment on the 'production end' of things (i.e., what software and other tools you use to create the sound you composed with your sequencer or other music production software). I would just piggy back on your comment that you are moving from hobby to serious composition - likely as a professional. Your current 'sound' is still in my opinion in the 'hobby' stage. You will need to investment money in professional tools and instrument sample and support sets. Sort of like being a photographer and working with a consumer picture processing product and now its time to learn and move to Adobe Photoshop. 2. I would highly recommend you go back and take formal music composition courses. There you will learn the theory basics common to all music creation including film scoring such as how to 'voice' multiple streams at once. I would also go back to your composition you posted and think about making it more 'interesting' and less 'repetitive'. By the way, I noticed you wrote it in an 'unusual' key - Db minor (or C# minor). Which would be the same as E which is four sharps. If this was to be 'scored live' - your Bb transposing instruments such as trumpet or clarinet, for example, would be scored in Eb (D#) minor which would be the same as F# which is 5 sharps. Playable - but I would not want to score five sharps other than for really good players/performers.
Thank you Joel, I thank you for your input and I have taken your input to heart and will take some classes and also invest. I will be back version 2.0
Thank you Brandi, I am working on it that is music theory and also classes for piano. I am self taught producer and always work with sounds and Hope the classes will help.. Again Thank you Joel and Brandi Honest is valuable to me.