I’m in the process of producing one of my short films (2nd attempt), and I have a character question. When I advertise for a casting call, I wish to post a description of my characters and the actor types I’m looking for is there a template for that? Can someone be so kind to supply me a link or a template on how I go about doing this? Something basic and to the point is what I’m searching for.
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Typical ones used in the industry would be like this: DAVE (30s), blue-collar, dangerous, Midwestern guy
LEAD MARY (early 20s), African-American, grad student, pretty in a nerdy way
SUPPORTING BOB (40s-50s), jaded biker, nicer than his image would suggest, tattoos/long-hair a plus 3 SCENES, 10 LINES
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i.e. character name, age, ethnicity if it matters, brief description of their type, and then how big the role is at the end
Thank you, Dave. That's what i was looking for, short and to the point.