Do genre scripts get respect from people who hire TV scriptwriters? I'm working on spec & pilot scripts. If I want to work in genre TV (like "Sleepy Hollow" or "iZombie"), is it a good idea to write "fun" genre specs & pilots, or should I write more "serious" Emmy-bait drama (like "Mad Men" or "House of Cards") to get noticed first?
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You should be writing an ORIGINAL pilot that would connect with the genre and type of show you'd like to work on. But if you're gonna spec an existing show it should be the fun genre types if that's what u want to write. Plus Mad Men is over & House of Cards is old by now. so those wouldn't be good choices anyway.
Thank you, Danny! I've written two original pilots, but I thought it might be good to have one solid spec script. Do you really think that every sample script should be an original pilot now? No specs anymore?
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I think it's good to write in the genre that you want to write in or have the most knowledge in. You don't want to write "House of Cards" if you have no knowledge of politics and what-not. I did a spec of "Bones", personally because I love researching the crap out of things, and also because I watched the show a million times I feel like the characters are my best friends. I wrote it in conjunction to a writer's workshop application and one program required to have an original pilot as well (which I wrote in the drama category). If you're looking to expand your writing skills, I think writing a spec is a lot of fun!
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Its always good to have a spec of an existing show but it is no longer the first thing anyone will ask for.
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I can't see a downside of having a spec, especially since you live in LA and are available for staffing -- or at least finding some kind of 'fringe' work around a writers room. Just don't spec the show you want to work for. Spec a show in the same genre. If you have a dream show you'd like to work on, do a little research of the Showrunner. See what current shows are their favs. Spec that. The thing about specs, they are outdated pretty fast. You'll need to stay on top of it and keep them current. Happy writing!
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Thanks for the tips! Ann, I hadn't thought of researching the Showrunner. Awesome idea. I'll bet Showrunners are some of the most fascinating people, like Joss Whedon and Shonda Rhimes.
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I agree, Marc, showrunners are fascinating. Have you seen the documentary "Showrunners"? It's on Netflix.
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I still have a huge respect for writing for TV. So, I can only give the advice to trust your inner voice and follow the ideas that you like. It is always like inside so outside. In other words, if you love it already then you will find people who will love it as well - as long as it is yours and original. It can take a while to find the right people which is a destiny many artists share - but I think from inside to outside is the only way which really works.