Your Stage : concept art kickstarter for Stephen by Karen Ruffles

Karen Ruffles

concept art kickstarter for Stephen

Hi all. I've been on here for a while as a costumer, which I'm still doing, but I wanted to post about the other side of my work. I make monsters and in this case, I'm concentrating on one of them called Stephen. I've just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help me get my work into the Bram Stoker International Film festival ( which you should check out anyway) I'd love for you all to take a look at it and share it about on social media if you like it. If you really like it, it'd be great if you could pledge to it. In return, there's a whole bunch of rewards you can get so it's not something for nothing. The project has just under 30 days to run so these rewards won't be there for ever. To boot, my partner and I made a fun little film to promote it and we'd love your feedback on that too. Here's the link and my thanks for your time :

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hey Karen, this is Julie from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Financing / Crowdfunding to Your Stage, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

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