Introduce Yourself : Network Requests - Don't just click "ACCEPT" by Joe Orlandino

Joe Orlandino

Network Requests - Don't just click "ACCEPT"

I've found Stage 32 to be a gold-mine of indie filmmaking resources. The return on my investment here has been exceptional. However, I've noticed a lot of folk don't take a minute to engage with new S32 colleagues or even go look at their work on IMDB, Vimeo, YouTube or their project's website. The strength in a social media networking platform lies in the engagement and cross-talk that take place within it. A strong bio, even for a newbie, is important. It's a great time to be in this business and Stage 32 is a great place to hang out and meet your potential cast and crew members.

Christopher Brown

Hi Joe, I've been on here since Sep 2012. I've posted several projects in that time, and not one person on here participated in them. Some, I cancelled for that reason. I've had a list of people asking to connect with me, but have not even sent a 'Hi' or even a 'Thank you.' I've found this to be just another (Anti) Social Network, floating in cyberspace. Chris

Joe Palermo

I completely understand. I joined Stage 32 so 1) I could make people aware of my work's existence and 2) when I'm ready with a financed project I've got people to make aware and that I might be able to hire and work with. What's your purpose in being here?

Christopher Brown

Similar to your purpose, and I assumed others' here. My projects, I did the productions myself, using cast members from other sites.

Joe Orlandino

Christopher, like LinkedIn, the ratio of 'spectators' vs. participants on Stage 32 is small. However, I've found that the cast and crew that I've hired were all professionals and actively worked the platform. Everyone was compensated well and as I stated in my post, I've been very pleased with the ROI. I would not give up on S32 just yet.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Christopher - Joe is being humble. His film which he used Stage 32 members from 3 different places screened at Cannes this year. If I can make one recommendation that I think might help is to get more involved with lounge discussions and be part of the ongoing conversations here. A lot of people view and lurk the lounge, which is where a lot of the networking on Stage 32 takes place. This will, naturally, draw more attention to your projects. Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions, I'm happy to help!

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