It's always difficult trying to decide whether to do a virtual pitch via Skype or a written pitch. Skype is good for showing your face, personality, enthusiasm etc. Written pitches are good for showing your writing abilities and often you can fit in more detail. Each method of pitching has its pros and cons. This time, the decision was made for me because all the Skype sessions were booked by the time I tried to sign up for a pitch with producer Jimmy Skodras. It had to be a written pitch and it worked out well. I saw what Jimmy was looking for and I thought one of my scripts was a good fit. I was right. He requested to read the script!
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Ha! That's cool. You see, not always what you want (the live pitch) is what is good for you. And I think the written pitch has advantages as the producer can read it again. Via Skype is as you said good for introducing yourself etc, but these 8 minutes are damn short. So, congratulations, I love that it worked out for you!
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Congratulations... Happy Writing...
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Congratulations, Matt! Good luck with the read!
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COOL!!! Way to go Matt!!! That's what's up!!!
Thanks Joey and everyone else!!
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Hey Matt, I don't even know if you're looking for replies. I struggled over the question of whether I'd tell a writer to pitch over Skype or via a written doc. In either medium, there's a chance that the pitch-ee zones out prematurely on the pitcher. With Skype, you could have a slow internet connection and distorted audio/video, or it could be great. With Skype, the pitch-ee could fall in love with your personality... or not. With Skype you know the pitch-ee is still on the line, but with written pitches, he could hit "delete" after 2 words. Here's one thing that might move the needle. With a written pitch, it's easier for the pitch-ee to pass the pitch around his office for additional votes of support. Having a second voice chime in with enthusiasm/validation often makes all the difference in the world. If the picky VP is too busy to read the pitch doc, he may forward it to the assistant (or junior exec or intern), who is less picky and more open-minded, and the junior person could become your best champion. Just a thought. It's really a toss-up, and you just have to go with your gut!!
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First make sure you CYA... I assume you've register your script with the WGA and Copyrighted it also with Library of Congress and have the paperwork and dates showing... Then Pitch, Pitch, Pitch anywhere and everywhere... but make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you get the business card of the person you just pitched to and send him/her an instant follow-up letter (signed, dated and photo copied for your files) thanking the person for listening to your pitch... WHY? If he/she ever proceeds without you, you will obviously get an attorney and the attorney wants to see 3 things. ONE: Creation (you can show this) TWO: SUBMISSION (must prove he/she received your pitch) and that is why this letter is so-so-so important. THREE: Similarity (to be discussed at a later time)..... Pitch - Pitch - Pitch "Dov"
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