Your Stage : Just produced the movie trailer to our martial arts comic book series and would love your feedback! by Owen Ratliff

Owen Ratliff

Just produced the movie trailer to our martial arts comic book series and would love your feedback!

Deb Havener

This looks great. You should pitch it at the AFM (American Film Market) this Fall. Start sending out your info to the attending companies well before the venue takes place. Give them the link to the trailer, a brief intro with genre, log line and comparables. Then spoon feed them the rest of your pkg as they show interest. I snagged 22 "on-the-books" meetings at my last AFM. E-mail me for details and I'll share the query I used that was able to get me the meetings. I can see an audience for this.

Owen Ratliff

OK thanks. I am on it!

Owen Ratliff

Thank you Christopher!

Derric Fragosa

Oh definitely nice. Good work and production. I'm going to share that with my martial arts fb groups. Congratulations.

Progya Acharyya

like it but there is nothing new!!!

Amanda Toney

Hey Owen, this is Shannon from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Filmmaking / Directing to Your Stage, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Sharlene Millang

I like it - excellent cinematography and lighting; nice action sequences. But I feel like I've seen it before (e.g. Bruce Lee; Lara Crawford; and others). I suggest you add something to the trailer that will make it seem totally unique.

Hyder Bilgrami

Just loved the trailer Owen !! Good camera work !!

Benjie Anderson

(Bowing) Sensei! In the tradition of excellent action sequences... this one kicks ass-ets. I love the genre. Nice work on the trailer.

Allen Clark

Dope when is the release of the film?

Owen Ratliff

We are finishing up post production. Once that is finished I will pick a date. We are doing a lot of marketing and promotions at the present moment. Here is the behind the scenes video:

Nikki Williams

Wow!! This is really good!! Congratulations

Ramon Richardson

Great work!

Damien Ashley

Wicked production value - awesome that you managed to get James Lew in there! Choreography looks on point

Rosalind Winton

Hi Owen, just watched your trailer and I think it's fantastic, it's extremely professional and gives a great insight to what the film is about. I love the way it's been filmed, kudos to the director and camera man. The music is perfect and the acting is great, watching it has made me want to see the whole film.

Steven Wiseman


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