I've always been into writing and music as well they are my creative outlets and I get a big kick out of creating something from my imagination and watch it come to life as I keep writing or playing my guitar. I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself, I'm stephen and I have finally started to take myself a bit more serious in regards to my desires to write great stories and to play music when I'm not sitting behind my laptop watching the cursor blink thinking whatamigoingtowrite,whatamigoingtowrite. it happens like that sometimes but once I get rolling I like what I produce. Once I finish something and register it with the writers guild I'll go from there. any advice for a man with a dream of writing some entertaining stuff is welcome. good luck and good day to you all.
Brandi I write all sorts of different genre's sci fi screenplays and I've dabbed in mystery thrillers but I am a scatter brain when it comes to writing and I know I need to focus and be disciplined in order to finish one of the projects that I have. As for music I just like to play. Bass and Guitar but that is more for me to relax so I have to go with writing which I'd love to get some of my stuff out to others but its been hard and life intercedes I just don't give up. thanks for commenting.