Introduce Yourself : Trust your Gut and Keep the Faith by Aaron Anthony Harper

Aaron Anthony Harper

Trust your Gut and Keep the Faith

Aloha, my name is Aaron Anthony Harper. Literally for as long as i can remember, i have just naturally been a performer . When i was a kid i would put on In-Home productions of the Lion King and other kid's movies. Whenever the family would go out for Karaoke night, i was always the first one to get up on stage and just sing whatever. It was always tough for me though because not only was i the baby of the family, but both of my parents are high end physicians, so naturally they wanted me to go into a professional career such as Medicine or Law, but i was never interested in any of those types of things in terms of a career. For some time, i focused on sports throughout high school, until my junior year when i took a basic acting class and rediscovered my passion for acting. In my first two years of college in Colorado, i was forced to study something other than theatre/ acting, because my parents refused to support me if i were to do so. So for a period of time, i was somewhat depressed because i didnt know what i was going to do. So i transferred to a local University back home in Hawaii and last summer, which was right before my Junior year of College, i was able to sign with ADR Talent agency . Since then i have been on about six episodes of Hawaii 5-0 as a Police Officer, and just in April, i had the unique opportunity to work with big name stars such as Joseph Gordon- Levitt and Scott Eastwood on the upcoming Oliver Stone film " Snowden". Ultimately i just want to say that anything is possible if you keep the faith, and trust your gut feeling and intuition, because alot of the tiem thats the best way to go.

John Garrett

I do so love a tale of being yourself in the face of the family wanting something else for you. Glad to meet you! I wish you continued success! Rock ON!

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