Filmmaking / Directing : Once More, With Feeling: An Interview With Daphne Ashbrook by Tim Davis

Tim Davis

Once More, With Feeling: An Interview With Daphne Ashbrook

There's actually only a few people to have appeared in both Star Trek and Doctor Who. One of them is Daphne Ashbrook​ whom I've been fortunate enough to befriend thanks to the Gallifrey One convention. Daphne is embarking on a brave new adventure of writing, starring & producing her first short film. Inspired by some calamitous true events "Once More With Feeling" tackles intense issues but with a humorous slant. Daphne joins me on the HTD Express to talk about how the story came about, why Hollywood needs more women filmmakers and of course, a little Doctor Who & Star Trek. Enjoy:

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Thanks for sharing Tim...thought you might like this Star Trek gem, too, The Green Girl, which was produced by George Pappy, one of our Stage 32 members :

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