Looking for a job and finding one are two totally different things and I'm finding it hard to find jobs for a girl my age and in the location I need ,I had a opportunity to be a lifeguard in tv . But they required me to be naked at the audition so I very politely declined the offer ,I just feel like I don't want to get my big break by being naked in front of people I just don't think that's right so still no job :/. If you live close to southcarolina
If you live near South Carolina and need a young female actress let me know ,and has this happened to anyone else ?
That's what I look like if you wanted to know or needed to know or something lol
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Glory Ann, I'd highly suggest taking the time to fill out your profile here on Stage 32 with the appropriate information - including your headshot, your bio, etc. Here's more information to help: https://www.stage32.com/help?category=getting-started-top-things-to-do&p... Once you have your profile complete you can organically start to network here on Stage 32 so people can get to know you as a professional.
Oof. LA preys on girls like you. Be careful if you come out here.. Get with some of the ladies on here who can help point you in the right direction. I think you made the right call. You train, you go about things the right way, you'll get your shots. Thats my opinion. By the way, are we talking acting jobs your looking for or a survival gig job. May want to make that clear. And as Julie said, fill out that profile. Chris