Read a Good Book Lately? : 1st to die by Shawn Speake

Shawn Speake

1st to die

I'm reading 1ST TO DIE, A WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB NOVEL, by James Patterson. On Chapter 44, and it's pretty slow so far…. Not impressed with this book right now, but that could change. I'll keep you posted.

Debbie Croysdale

Don't flog a dead horse. You're already on chapter 44, and should already be excited to know more about the story. Imagine if it was a film, it's only saving grace would be some fantastic "sting, revelation, or switch" in the next scenes. Lol. I eat my words if it turns out to be a blockbuster novel!

Shawn Speake

I hear you… and normally, "I'd have been done did that!" But James Patterson is one of the best sentence writers around. KILL ME IF YOU CAN, with Marshall Karp is a great read. So good, I read it twice, studying. Have you read any of JP's work?

Debbie Croysdale

Not yet. But now I will, when I get time. Thanks for the tip about authors and sentence writing. I'm out and about now, location hunting in Scandanavia, so most libraries here have limited stock of English written books. When I get back to London will check him out. I know I can read on the Internet, but when I'm studying I like the actual book in my hand. Is it only me, or do others like the feel of a real book in their hands, and enjoy turning the pages by lamplight in a cosy chair?

Shawn Speake

I prefer the actual book, too! … Let me know which book you pick up!

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Shawn, I finally got around to checking out James Patterson. I expected I would have to go to a specialist book shop in West End, but a local shopping centre the shelf had over twelve James Patterson books to choose from. This guy must be spot on. I got 2nd Chance another Woman's Murder Club series, Postcard Killers, co wrote with Liza Marklund, and Tick Tock. Don't expect an early commentary though, as I'm also busy writing my own stuff, but watch this space in a couple of weeks. Good Weekend everyone! (Lol.....I maybe crazy but I like also the smell of the new pages, aswell as the feel of the book.)

Debbie Croysdale

Hi, I'm only into the first several chapters of "Tick Tock" and had a pleasant surprise. I'm pleased I followed your book thread, and decided to find out what this author is all about. I haven't haunted book stores for twenty odd years, since Guildhall exams, reading since mainly plays or scripts from Internet, library or colleagues. This must be why this guy James Patterson escaped my radar, till now. Glad I made switch back to studying fiction writing, it's a bit like a holiday, reading a well written book without having to rely solely on dialogue. (Sometimes a rubbish script is a chore, if having to second guess at what is really going on.). Your right about his sentences, his descriptions are so vivid, I feel as though I'm with the character/setting. I've even had the odd chuckle at the occasional passage, I love this authors charisma. Thanks for the tip Shawn! PS. I hope you eventually found the crucible moment you were waiting for, when reading your women's murder club mystery. Now I understand why you persisted in reading on, even though seemingly boring, I doubt James Patterson could produce totally dead wood! Great Weekend All Stage 32!

Shawn Speake

I'm so glad you enjoy. Awesome! Have a great weekend!

Debbie Croysdale

For anyone wanting a summer holiday type read, James Patterson has teamed up with Scandinavian thriller author Liza Marklund , the book entitled Postcard Killers. I'm only into Chapter four, and in two minds whether or not to go to my usual gym session. Before anyone queries "only chapter four", some of James Pattersons chapters are only a few pages and I've not been reading long. Anyone out there recommend any reads?

Shawn Speake

I'm still trying to finish 1ST TO DIE... I might actually put this one down. Chapter 73 and I could care less...

Debbie Croysdale

Wow! A dud. I might look at that one myself, as a learning curve to what went wrong. There must be a reason a genius fiction writer, in this particular instance, has readers curiosity go stale. Ive got a Woman's Murder Club book in my collection called 2nd Chance, co written by Andrew Cross. When I get round to reading it will post my synopsis. It could be that in 1st To Die, James Patterson teamed up with a co writer, who was non compatible. Sometimes there can be two great writers, who together don't make magic, because their separate beats don't all interconnect.

Libby Fischer Hellmann

I read RED SPARROW by Jason Matthews last year; his second book, PALACE OF TREASON, just came out. I'm listening to it on audio now. It's pretty good but not quite as gripping as the first.

Debbie Croysdale

Thanks Libby, I will stick Red Sparrow on my "to get"list.

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