PS: First of all I want to clear it out that this is not a promotional post. We just want to take suggestions from peoples. So, please send your suggestions by posting comments or messaging on our Facebook page. As we are still working on this game we need to make sure what will the best features that will make this game better. We will publish this ad by end of next year. Our Alliance from India (Frame Picture Studio) is coming up with its new Game, Smashers Code - The Game. A new level of shooting game you have been ever played. This game have a good background story and you will be addicted once you start playing. Please help us to build this game by providing your valuable LIKES to our page and COMMENT about what we can do to make this game more appealing. You can also post comments on our regular updates to assist our designers and developers. We also want to thank you all for supporting this initiative. Like our FACEBOOK PAGE and comment (suggestions) on our updates: https://www.facebook.com/SmashersCode?fref=ts