Hello, I am a new comer to stage32. I am a newcomer filmmaker in Kamakura, Japan. I have produced 3 films and 1 music video so far. however, just half a year ago, I was just a housewife. Now I am pursuing my way to be a real filmmaker. Still a long long way to go!! Thank you very much! Best regards to you all.
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I saw a listing today for an editor who speaks Japanese. You interested? I speak some, but not well enough to apply, I don't think. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Yes, Kate! Thank you very much. I am very much interested. Thank you for informing me!!
Where can I find the listing? Arigato gozaimasu m(_ _)m
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Anatano email jusho wa, nan desuka?
Watashino jusho wa "katetsubata@yahoo.com" desu.
melodysascha@gmail.com desu(^_^)
Hai. Wakarimasu.