Introduce Yourself : Glad to be here by J.R. Rogers

Glad to be here

Hello all, fiction writer here of espionage and foreign intrigue. Four novels out. Speak fluent French. Have lived in Europe and Africa. Look at meeting screenwriters in my genre. Also videographers for novel trailers.

Carline Yaimette

Bonjour! Nice to meet you!

J.R. Rogers

Nice to meet you too. Thanks for stopping by.

Laurie Kehoe

Hi JR. I am a fiction writer too - working on my first novel.

J.R. Rogers

All the best to you.

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome, J.R. You see. You already found someone in common in Laurie. This is what S32 is all about. Cheers, brother.

J.R. Rogers

Shoulda signed up long time ago. Thanks, Jorge.

Carline Yaimette

Thank you. Of course, J.R :)

Laurie Kehoe

I have made a few friends who are also authors here. I didn't think I would find such a great outreach but I'm so glad I did. Two are reading my first novel and I am hopeful I will be able to provide positive reviews with my query letters.

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