Success Stories: JUL'30 Trailer for new TV series "Chase Street" released!

Mercedes Diaz

Trailer for new TV series "Chase Street" released!

We have released the trailer for our new series "Chase Street", a story about crime and politics in Camden New Jersey. It's already capturing some "buzz" and being compared to "The Wire". I would appreciate it if you would please take a few minutes to view, like and share it. We are seeking distribution for it and would appreciate comments, suggestions, etc. Thanks so much for your support!

Eric Schneider

Good acting and camera work. I'd hope for a little "feel-good" relief, among all that dark, violent, anger. I got about 3/4 through the trailer, and it was too intense for me...and I am (among other flicks) a Terminator, Boys in the Hood, and Dope fan. OTOH, I haven't watched TV since 1977, so maybe you're onto something I don't grok, Mercedes.

Mercedes Diaz

Thanks, Eric. It is a little dark. I'm one of the writers on the show (I used to be a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer) and believe it or not, these story lines are "ripped from the headlines." The next trailer is going to feature the "love story" (yeah, we have one), but since we're writing about Camden NJ, I don't hold out much hope for too much levity. However, given that Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones did so well (and they are as dark as you can get) maybe we'll have an audience.

Eric Schneider

Good luck, Mercedes!

Mercedes Diaz

Thank you, Kathryn! Appreciate it!

Paolo Mugnaini

Looking Good!!!

Robert Campopiano

Looks great, Mercedes. I live near Camden and have lived in the area (grew up in Cherry Hill) all my life. Very intense trailer. Good luck with it.

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