Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter seeking to network by Lorna Green

Lorna Green

Screenwriter seeking to network

My name is Lorna Green. I've just learned that my screenplay Fly Away is an Academy Nicholls Top Ten Percent selection. I'm eager to break into television writing and am seeking a literary manager. I'm developing a few original pilots, and am always seeking collaboration with other screenwriters and creatives.

Stephen Barber

Great job Lorna

Lorna Green

Thanks. What are you working on.

Stephen Barber

That is very cool! sounds like you can tell a story!!! I'm working on my first drama pilot. It's very exciting, and it's been in thought for over two years. I'm outlining it now, and polishing up a True Story Feature that I'm begining to push. What about you?

Lorna Green

Working on two pilots: a sci Fi and a conspiracy drama.

Stephen Barber

very impressive. I'd love to do a sci fi, and will one day, but right now...I'm really interested in my pilot

Larry Shulruff

Congrats. Quite an honor.

Paolo Mugnaini

Impressive! Welcome !

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