If you joined my webinar, one of the things you learned about was the ever growing importance of Production Music. This years Production Music Conference is a MUST attend for any composer! As the Chair for the Composer Advisory Committee of the Production Music Association, I urge you to attend. You will meet so many decision makers and learn much as well. See you there! http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3108dd1d8d7c81d1d6cf0e8ff&id=a034c1d...
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Is Mr.Tyler going to be present?
Jake, Yes. Brian will be there. He is the keynote speaker.
Brandi, This just means you need to cut class (with permission from your professors of course)!
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I misread the message. Sorry!! I was just in LA. Can't go back so soon unfortunately. Visited some music people at warner bros!! Off to Berklee college of music now!
That's great, Jake. Good meeting? Who did you get to meet? I compose for them.
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I was at PMC last year - it is an awesome event to be. And with Brian Tyler as a Keynote Speaker they have someone who truly understands the business. Everyone who is living in LA (and wants to do Production or Trailermusic) should attend. ;-)
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Agreed Johannes, but even if you don't live in LA this is a valuable event for connections and networking even if it means flying in for that weekend.