Introduce Yourself : Hello People of Stage 32! by Brandon Frieslaar

Brandon Frieslaar

Hello People of Stage 32!

Hello Everyone! My name is Brandon Frieslaar, currently I am a student within the United Kingdom, studying Media Production at Coventry University. I have a strong desire for filmmaking, scriptwriting, and editing. I am looking to get experience whenever possible to improve my own skills as well as learn techniques from others who, like me, get a thrill from filmmaking. My hobbies right now consist of Martial Arts, I am a 2nd Dan black belt within ATMA, Tang Soo Do Karate. I'm sure when I get a chance to work with anyone on Stage 32, it will be a fantastic time! Vimeo Link:

Paolo Mugnaini

Welcome Brandon!

Brandon Frieslaar

Thank You Paolo!

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