Financing / Crowdfunding : Help in the right direction by Jacarris Jackson

Jacarris Jackson

Help in the right direction

Hello stage32 community. I'm an independent filmmaker and im working on a project. But the budget is becoming a problem. Ive directed films in the past but the financing was all out of my pocket. Could someone please point me in the right direction on how to find funding to help with my film. Its about a boy who grew into a man to set his own agenda against the people who humiliated and tortured him. But the story targets how bullying, a fatherless environment, and struggles with self identity can take turns for the worst and sometimes fatal endings. Please help me by leading me in the right direction, anyone.

Ta Neil Adams

Hey Jacarris! I'm working on a indie project myself. I've had to come out of pocket. It was suggested to me to have fund raisers. Maybe have a dance or do your own film screen/contest etc.

Jacarris Jackson

Thanks..yea putting all this together has been costly. I figured id still have to come out of pocket tho

Ta Neil Adams

Yep! I've been working on my project for a over a year! It doesn't get just get wiser.

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