Hey guys, I am currently producing my own short film. I need assistance on how to go about raising money. I have an Indie GoGo campaign started but have not had a good response to the campaign. I can use all the help I can get. Thank you, -Sarah
Hey guys, I am currently producing my own short film. I need assistance on how to go about raising money. I have an Indie GoGo campaign started but have not had a good response to the campaign. I can use all the help I can get. Thank you, -Sarah
Hey Sarah, this is Beth from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Producing to Financing / Crowdfunding, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!
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Give us a link of your indiegogo campaign (if still up) and perhaps we can improve the style a bit? I know (online) a few campagins that were not successfull the first time, but then prepared it better and won with second chance. :-)
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Hi Sarah, we had a FANTASTIC webinar on this subject. I recommend you take it: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-To-Use-Crowfundfunding-To-Turn-Your... Best of luck!
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Hey guys, Thank you so much for the help. Heres a link to my Indiegogo campaign. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/film-three-sixty-five/x/11601674#/story I would love any help you can give me. -Sarah
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Well, ... ok, here are a few thoughts from me: Before starting a crowdfunding campagin you need to do more research on how this works and what points are should be very clear. I know it is a passionated project and the quality of your work (what I have seen in the video) is good enough to have a successful campagin. - But it's missing clear information. Almost noone is attracted by a long text and does read it all the way trough. People don't want to spend so much time on that. -> You need a video of yourself (perhaps with one crew member) to explain what is your goal. Goal = to make that movie. Why is it important? Because you already have a kick-ass story, most of the crew members and even invested money and time to shoot some scenes (or is this video a selection of old credits?! I didn't understand. If so, then show one or two examples and explaining that you already accomplished a few projects with no money and wonder what you can do with a little financial help...). You need links to proof your credits. - Next point is very similar that you are very unclear in your information. "We are hoping to raise $6000 for this film to cover cost of Actors, Locations, Permits, Food, Insurance, and everything in between. " For example you can have a little picture chart that shows for what is the money. "everything in between" doesn't sound too good, because the backers really need to know where the money is going. - Who are you? - Give us more details about your background. And who is your team? Have you studied film or what was your childhood experience with film? That moment when you realised you need to do this. Your main actor did already theater (just an example)? Post it. Promote it. Do the more personal touch. - Say thank you! Say the poeple thank you for alone visiting your campaign and when they can't support with moeny, perhaps they can share it on their twitter or facebook. - Perks? Really I don't understand what your perks are... A poster for 15$ about an unknown film is not what someone is interested in. Would you back that? What would really be exciting for you when you visit another indiegogo campagin? And most important - where is the film to get? There is no perk for that. You can talk endlessly about perks, because there are so many choices and decisions to make. But you can improve that, I think. - Can people be in conctact with you? Do you want feedback from fans? Perhaps someone really would like to help you but you need to ask and allow people to contact you. Make it visible. Unfortunately vulnerable sometimes... Oh, I just see it that you have a website about that film. Great, but that needs to be more featured. The Cast site looks good. These pictures need to be on that indiegogo campaign... I know it's a lot of work, but it can pay off. Just my first thoughts about that. I hope it is encouraging though. :-) All the best for you Sarah.
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Hi Sarah! Congrats on taking the plunge! I liked your trailer but I wanted to see a pitch video telling me about you and why this film is important for you. Also, the written summary should tell me more about the story. A paragraph or two about who it's about and what challenges that she or he faces would be really helpful. Also, for perks, you should offer a DVD or download of the short. A question about the trailer, has the film already been shot? If so, what is the funding for? Hope this helps. Good luck! Kenny Hargrove Filmmaker, playwright
Hi Sarah! This app helps you with looking for potential investors. It also allows you to link your new product with kickstarted or indiegogo for better crowdfunding. Registration is for free so I recommend checking it out! www.filmplix.com
Best of luck!