Introduce Yourself : The World Says What Project by David Pepper

David Pepper

The World Says What Project

It's a big world that's getting smaller everyday but your voice has never been louder. The World Says What Project uses the power of social media to create better understanding in the world. It's a simple idea with a big impact. Each episode of WSW asks one question and people from all over the world provide the answer. Will misperceptions be re-enforced or will the answers show we have more in common than the politicians and pundits promote? How will culture and geography alter answers to a question like, "What is freedom"? WSW is looking for social savvy people, just like you, to record and submit answers for the first episodes. The more countries that participate the better. So if you believe in the power of social media for social good send an email to subject line: I'm in! You will receive the first questions to get started. Be part of the first global program of its kind and help change the world for good. If you could ask the world a question, what would you ask?

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

This is really really cool!!

David Pepper

Thanks Julie. If there are any Stage 32 peeps outside the U.S. Interested, we'd love to include their answers. The more countries the better

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