Introduce Yourself : Unique B-Roll by Sam Inglese

Sam Inglese

Unique B-Roll

Hi everyone and welcome to the new. It's been a while. I have a Romantic Comedy where the lovers discover the other is also epileptic. The heart of the story is how they avoid long term relationships without being the bad guy until they unknowingly become lovers. Is this attachment still too much for the community?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Sam. Still too much? Is there a bad history here? :) As a comedian, I try to never hold my punches, as a beginner screenwriter I will definitely do the same. I can see this rom-com being made. Have you started pitching it yet?

Sam Inglese

I tried a few months ago with the 8 minute phone deal but otherwise no and I am inexperienced in such a short promotion and who to best try with. Jack and Anna want lovers who will break up with them every 8 months. Jack dates women recovering from being dumped. Anna ensures she will be dumped by introducing her lovers to her favorite ring.

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