Introduce Yourself : Editor, Photographer, Filmmaker, Idea Inspirator, Seed Sower, Knower Grower. by Pamela Leigh Richards

Pamela Leigh Richards

Editor, Photographer, Filmmaker, Idea Inspirator, Seed Sower, Knower Grower.

I find it funny because the question in this box asks: "What's on your mind?" Aye, step inside my mind for a ride! Being a survivor of a TBI (traumatic brain injury), I came out the other side seeing with new eyes and became my own caregiver in recovery. I said: "I am my own life's experiment and my own research project." It is just what happened and part of this lass' journey in life. So much I wish to share and love collaborating. I have visions, many, and experiences, that need the support of creatives willing to step beyond boundaries of beliefs to explore with me. To make the unbelievable believably real. I went to the Zaki Gordon Institute for Independent filmmaking, left after three months of a nine month course back to England (another story), so did not create my thesis film. Although left with honors. I am very good at editing, timing, seeing the story unfolding, know the rhythm of music, lighting, the framework, the picture in full, and always want a positive outcome leaving the audience breathing Wow! Please forgive me because I get information overload at times. Too much coming at me on the internet. If anyone wishes to view what happened? Please see here: Thank you very much for listening and sharing your beautiful lives! Pamela

Joy Merriweather

Thank you for sharing yours Pamela, you definitely have a story to tell!


Welcome to Stage 32, Pamela!

Mimi Chen

It always amazes me to hear how people, after suffering a life changing event, can still pick themselves up! Bravo Pamela!

Janet Laidlaw

Thanks for sharing your story Pamela. Wow, you've been through quite the journey! Amazing that your landlord had such strong intuition to go back and check the property; it says a lot about human potential and our deeper connections. I am a writer who directs, acts and trains dogs and my current focus (besides developing screenplays) is my comedy sketch YouTube channel. The channel was inspired by Michael Wormser's Stage 32 course on building an online audience - excellent, inspiring course! If you want to check my channel out, please do at: I focus on comedy but I love inspiring stories about human potential; yours is definitely one. Thanks for reaching out here and good luck with your aspirations!

Pamela Leigh Richards

Thank you Joy, Jake, Mimi and Janet! I keep saying I could do a comedy show Janet, for I have enough content and love comedy. I also said upon entering society after coming home from hospital ... "The world needs a big giggle and we're coming in with the tickle!" Will check your site out, thank you. And all the best to everyone with our shared journeys. Let's go make the world a better place :) Laughter is good medicine!

Pamela Leigh Richards

Love Dogs and animals Janet. Will share a good friend of mine's site from England if you wish to peruse? I first have to make money so I can take her course with the ISCP (International School for Canine Psychology and Behaviour). Enjoy!

Janet Laidlaw

Thanks Pamela, I'll check it out. :)


You're welcome, Pamela!

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