Hey everyone! It's so exciting to see everyone here. The sense of excitement is very palpable. As usual I'm moving ahead, slowly letting go of the day job and writing more. I came up with a few more writing projects to develop, not all of them screenplay related, but writing nonetheless, including being hired to ghostwrite a biography. Yay for stretching boundaries! I hope everyone takes a chance and believes in themselves, because y'all have it in you!
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Hi Diana, I'm moving in the same direction, writing more, or trying to. Realizing the job I have is a stepping stone. To taking chances!!!
Hey, Joy, I'm grateful that my day job offers me a glimpse of where I DON'T want to be. And yes, definitely a stepping stone. One thing I learned from Bob Proctor... Make the decision to write more and commit to it. Amazing things will happen when you do. You got this!
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Diana, I'm laughing because I had a frightening thought of putting away greeting cards until I'm 80! Thanks for the encouraging words! :)