Hey, I never really intoduced myself when I started a profile.. working actor and producer. MAIN PROJECT: Have a $40MM animated feature with 50% funding from a major Anim. Prod. Co. as of last week.. We are looking for the other 50% or partnership w/ another production co. to start prod. 5 Top Name Actors attached. ACTING: Im starring in a new project that has spun off from DISNEY'S DESCENDANTS and it stars DOVE CAMERON .. she is also one of the stars of my animated feature. PAST: GLEE, TOUCH, WHAT ABOUT JOAN, CHILDREN ON THEIR BIRTHDAYS and more.. see imdb. PRODUCING: 1hr Drama Based on a book Trilogy. It is LGBT with 50% Str8 women demographic 50% LGBT following. It is unique .. if i had to label it.. it's like SEX AND THE CITY (W/ GUYS) meets EMPIRE. LAST BUT NEVER LEAST: ADVENTURE/HORROR/THRILLER DRAGWORMS - Written by Horror and Sci-fi legend KERRY O'QUINN. One of my best friends and creator of FANGORIA and STARLOG magazine.. This film is an awesome adventure with tons of star studded cameos and reminds me a of STAND BY ME/ THE NEVERENDING STORY & FROM DUSK TILL DAWN had an awesome cross over baby and instead of vampires they were living dead bikers w/ a mission.. I have been in love with film and filmmakimg since I was a child and at 5 wanted my parents to immancipate me and send me to Hollywood to Direct and Act in the best films possible. Luckily they put me in violin, gymnastics and school and I started working in Chicago professionally at age 13 with no stage parents. . Which was a steep learning curve. Had to and like to make my own way and have worked with a lot of great pro's along the way to hone my craft. . Everything I have .. I have earned the with experience and hard work. I prefer film to digital and practical effects to digital.. but am realistic and progressive so I appreciate the mixture to keep the budget down but will not sacrifice realism or texture for cost efficiency if the digital cam or sfx won't get us there.. So that's some of me. WESTON MUELLER.
Weston, what is the actual amount of funds you have in the bank for the animation project? Do you have the $20 million in the bank?
I know a guy who helps projects get funded...don't know how much he charges tho!
Thanka al you guys. I like writing in sci-fi as well as projects that are related to true historical events.. some times they are one and the same ;)~
Also, if you would like to talk further or about more specific details.. Private Message me please.
Weston great to have you here! What an impressive resume you have. What is your favorite part about acting? The craft? The business? Or ?