Does anybody use CELTX for more than just their screenwriting option? If you use the catalog/breakdown and scheduling features and wouldn't mind giving me a hand, please shoot me a message!! Thanks!
Does anybody use CELTX for more than just their screenwriting option? If you use the catalog/breakdown and scheduling features and wouldn't mind giving me a hand, please shoot me a message!! Thanks!
Sacrilege. If you don't like Celtx on here you'll be branded a 'monumental idiot' and chastised. Or does this only ever happen to me?
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It was a rhetorical question clearly. No need to over react.
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Let's get back to the thread topic please. Thanks.
Ramsey, there are how-to videos on the Celtx web site. Perhaps they can be of service to you. And, as Tony mentioned to try, I found a tutorial on YouTube: I hope that helps. Sorry, I am of little assistance with this question -- I use Final Draft. Best of luck to you!
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Hi Ramsey, never used CELTX, sorry, good luck. Hi Tony, what planet are you on? Hi Beth, well modulated.
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Thank you Beth and David and the others who contributed constructively here. I think I have it figured out. My issue came with the fact that Celtx just upgraded their studio layout and none of the video tutorials I could find explained how to access the additional schedule data when using their new layout. I wanted to get into the nuts and bolts of the day, so I had to click on "Report" to get where I wanted (which is not the term I would think to use). I think this is a very powerful suite of tools, but the problem is #1 there is a slight learning curve to it, and #2 you really need to utilize the ENTIRE suite of tools for them all to work well together. Just simply clicking "schedule" isn't going to make the magic schedule appear. For the $10/mo it is worth it to me, and now that I am learning their system more, I am liking it more and more.
Sounds good, Ramsey. I'm glad to hear it should all work out. :) Again, best of luck!