Introduce Yourself : Hi everyone! by Victoria Savage

Victoria Savage

Hi everyone!

Hello! I'm an actress/producer. I just finished shooting a short film with my production partner. It was rough but LOTS of good learning experiences (and crazy stories) came out of it. So very grateful for the experience! Working on an outline for another short film and therefore will be looking for an actual writer very shortly. Also teaching a workshop in November in the Detroit area that will be designed for artists (mostly for actors) and will focus half on craft and half on the business side . . . cuz let's face it, it's a business and we need to accept that fact. Thanks for introducing yourselves! Great to see lots of talented and motivated people out there! Wishing all of you the best!

Morrison James

Welcome Berda, it is great to have you on Stage 32. (not sure what that first comment is all about?) M.J

Victoria Savage

Thank you! Nice to meet you too. I know, I tried to delete that comment but couldn't. ?

Morrison James

Hi Berda, Nice to meet you too. Yes that guy is a spammer, he has been putting that post everywhere. Hopefully Stage 32 will see it and boot him off. Have a great Sunday. M.J

Elisabeth Meier

Jeetu - please stop spamming!

Rosalind Winton

Hi Berda, lovely to meet you and good luck with all your endeavours, you might want to report the spammer to the creators of the site as they might not see it, I did that with someone else who was doing it and the creators were grateful for the head's up. I'm a literary agent and through connecting on this site have edited and proof read screenplays for members of Stage 32, I'm also a lyricist and am about to sign a contract to write lyrics for someone who has written a musical stage play, so it really is worth connecting with as many people as possible, you never know.

Victoria Savage

Thanks everyone! I reported Jeetu. Hopefully, someone will let him know that he shouldn't be promoting on this page. :)

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