So I'm tasked with organizing a short film that is shooting over 3 days with multiple locations. They are all relatively close but there is no real "home base" so to speak. So the first location will have a breakfast craft table but then our break for lunch we need to move, and neither the first location or the next location will be suitable for a craft table (small/public locations). What is the protocol for something like this, specifically for a low-no budget production. I can buy/provide a craft services table with snacks and drinks and such, but I'm just at a loss for where to set it up and how to handle it. Mobile craft services out of the back of a pickup truck maybe?? Fortunately our weather looks very favorable.
I would look for the nearest public grounds to the locations. A park or anywhere with public parking would be decent if the weather is good and it isn't too hot. Here in Texas, even in September, the day is still in the high 90's so it wouldn't be good here.
Tailgate party. Someone has an SUV. As for lunch.... restaurant adjacent ? It's best to eat before the company move in my opinion and experience.
you don't need to have craft services, just buy people lunch. if it's a low-budget short people are too occupied to be waiting around for 6 hours grazing at snacks
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Buying lunch is a lot more expensive than having a restaurant make up a pan of meatballs or zitti and red sauce or getting a rolls and cold cuts platter from a deli or market. Besides eating up a lot of production time. Yes, monile craft services out of a truck or van or ask a local church, club or civic organization if they ave a room you can use for an hour. On a feature I worked, first meal was layed out in....a funeral parlor.