Hello! I have been on the site for a while noW and have also had a few personal succeses because of it, however I haven't introduced myself. I'm hoping to use it a bit more now to help me a pursue a career in screenwriting, so hello again!
Hello! I have been on the site for a while noW and have also had a few personal succeses because of it, however I haven't introduced myself. I'm hoping to use it a bit more now to help me a pursue a career in screenwriting, so hello again!
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Glad you stepped out into the light, Alex! So thrilled to hear that you have found success through the platform. Would love if you would post about them in the Success Stories section of the Lounge. Always helpful for other members of the community to hear how one of their peers used the features and resources of the site to find success. Thanks in advance and best of luck with your writing!
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Thanks RB! I posted a while a back when I recieved a Request from a producer. The script didn't go further with him but it has in contests since so hopefully when I have reworked it again I will use your excellent pitch services to help find a buyer!
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Absolutely fantastic, Alex. Sending all the positive vibes I can your way, my friend!