Introduce Yourself : Hi everyone by CK Love

CK Love

Hi everyone

Just joined. Wanted to see what Stage 32 was all about. So taking this opportunity to say, HI! I just finished an awesome online course for Screenwriting and am about to start the Masters program. Very excited! I've been writing screenplays for a few years now and have about 4 scripts in varying degrees of completion. I am working on marketing and promotion right now as a writer who has skills and a product. My genre is: thriller; mystery; suspense. I am working my way to making a short film. Directing and writing. I have some great help here in Toronto to do that. My dream is to work as a professional writer: screen, and to eventually direct a feature that I've written. So really working on acquiring all the skills I need to do that. I've worked in film in the Art Dept. on and off - production design, and art direction. I have two homes pretty much: Toronto and LA. I look forward to meeting you all here on this forum. Peace! CK

CK Love

Hi! I'll be back in LA around Christmas. We'll meet up then, OK?!

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