You can't stop the ideas from coming. You are creative and can't deny it. While your big break is just around the corner where does your energy, enthusiasm and artistry go? If you are ready to play on the international stage the worldsayswhat project is for you. Visit for details on the first global program of its kind. Strictly volunteer. Strictly social media for social good. Strictly for creatives who want to create better understanding and positive social change. Creativity can't be contained. One question and a world of answers
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Kind words David, but this section is about introductions and you have a lot to be proud of, so if you don't mind, let me introduce you. :) David is a writer, producer and director, and he's won more fancy awards that could fit on my desk. Thanks for the share, David. I'm checking out your site right now.
Thanks Tomasz. I do think of the WorldSaysWhat project as a part of me :) I'm hoping Stage 32 members from around the world will lend their voices toward better understanding and positive social change in the world while applying creative talents for good.
Hi, I must look into the WorldSaysWhat project. It does sound interesting ! Kathleen.
Thanks Kathleen. We can all use more good in the world and our friends on Stage 32 can help.