Introduce Yourself : Comedy!!! by Franziska Huber

Franziska Huber


Hello dear fellow artists! I am a self producing actress (strong suit comedy) who is looking for collaborators to create short films and put them through the festival circuit! Hit me up and let's get stuff done! :)

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Franziska, Looks like you're an LA implant like myself. I think I've missed your film during the HollyShorts FF, then again, I only made it out there for one night. How is your comedy search coming along? Keeping busy I hope.

Franziska Huber

Hi Tomasz!! Yes, I have lived in NYC for a few years before moving to L.A.! You are right, very busy times, got accepted into a theatre group and am producing a short whilst creating a stand up gig with a friend as well,.... time to make things happen!! :)

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Awesome. If you're anywhere near downtown, checkout the clown house for comedy:!clownhouse/c1c0s - it's a very supportive group for stand up comedians. They have open mic, and often times offer helpful suggestions to improve your routines. What's your short about? If you need help with it, don't forget to utilize your connections here on Stage 32.

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