Introduce Yourself : Hello... by Dr. Glen Hepker

Dr. Glen Hepker


I am an author (A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health), and have doctorate degrees in psychology and traditional Chinese health arts. I am a part-time individual and marital counselor, a wellness and life coach, and a master instructor of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, refined meditation/guided imagery, and associated health/wellness arts (which are intrinsically inclusive of the quite broad and ages-old benevolent, altruistic, and empathetic health/wellness philosophy set forth in my book - along with acupuncture/pressure, nutritional arts, herbal arts, tui na, stretching arts - *though I do not practice acupuncture or nutrition as a living), at Mason City Wellness Center LLC/Mason City Tai Chi~Chi Kung~Kung Fu LLC, Mason City, IA USA

Richard "RB" Botto

Learn something new about you every month, Dr. Glen! Wow! Extremely impressive!

Dr. Glen Hepker

Please know it genuinely means a lot, Richard. Thanks so much. Albeit, it is you who is truly making the world a better place through your impeccable effort and insight.

Richard "RB" Botto

Completely appreciated, Dr. Glen. Let's just say we're both doing our best to do our part!

Dr. Glen Hepker

Yes, so very much so Richard. Happy Thanksgiving.

Richard "RB" Botto

Same to you, my friend!

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