Sometimes it's nice to introduce oneself by sharing one's influences. Some of my chief influences are the following: the comic novels of Evelyn Waugh, P.G. Wodehouse, and Walker Percy; the dramatic writing of Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Tom Stoppard; the comic screenwriting of the Coen Brothers; the theory of dramatic writing, as well as acting, proffered by David Mamet; the screenwriting pedagogy of Robert McKee. So, that's me. Who inspires you?
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I would consider the Star Wars Original Trilogies a major inspiration towards my work. No it's not one individual on the trilogies that I would credit, because their work all came together to create a cinema masterpiece. Although I do consider George Lucas a good director, the films would be nothing without the help of the cast and people behind the scenes. The writing, cinematography, and story line only illustrate a quarter of what makes the movie inspiration worthy.
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I love Mamet also, especially on acting. For me as a youngster, it was playwrights: Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee, Eugene O'Neill.Then horror movies: THE BIRDS, PSYCHO, THE EXORCIST. What those three share in common is something that definitely got into my writing genetic code: The audience comes in expecting a thrill, but then you keeping them waiting forever for it. I'll never forget sitting in a theater seeing THE EXORCIST for the first time and thinking "What's all the fuss about?" And then bam. BAM! BAM! BAM! I love that structure, and I've actually never used it to write a horror film. It works in any genre. (ORDINARY PEOPLE comes to mind. Or PRECIOUS, THE TREE OF LIFE, THE DESCENDANTS.)
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Eric, my household is eagerly anticipating the J.J. Abrams reboot of the Star Wars franchise.... Interesting comment, too, Richard. I hadn't thought of that as a structural element before. I remember really enjoying THE DESCENDANTS. TREE OF LIFE as well, but in a different way.