Financing / Crowdfunding : I am a screenwriter in NYC. How do I set up a film co-op as another option to financing my independent films. by Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I am a screenwriter in NYC. How do I set up a film co-op as another option to financing my independent films.

I want to make my films independently. I will get a book on how to direct. But the biggest hurdle for all independent film makers is finding the $$$. To date I have read "Bankroll" by Tom Malloy which is helpful. But I want to also explore the possibilities of setting up a film co-op where we all pool our talents and with of course signed legal agreements with each other stating CLEARLY how we get PAID. I started writing this screenplay "Hope Saves Manhattan" a year ago and it would be great if some major studio would write me a big check. But, honestly I don't want to get into the same mistake that Woody Allen got into with "What's New Pussycat". They totally butchered his script. And from that day on he had control of EVERY film he made. Of course I want to make money but I also want my story on film the way I wrote it. I made $$ all my life (30 years in sales). Now at 63 collecting Social Security I want to make films. So not much time left to waste any time. Anyone out there in the NYC metro that wants to be part of this upstart concern I would very much like to hear from. If you go to my profile page here on Stage 32 it's all there. Thank you.

Erik A. Jacobson

Not sure if you're familiar with local "meetup" groups, Steven, involving people with common interests. But one possibility would be to start one of these with the goal of making a feature film similar to Ed Burns' microbudget Manhattan projects. Each participant would invest perhaps $500 to $1000 and partner with the idea of getting a feature film made for $10,000 to $20,000. Requirements: a hot script that can be shot on a shoestring, a name actor who likes it, participants who check their egos at the door and can agree on who will direct, edit, DP, etc., plus an attorney to put it all together.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Erik- That is a great suggestion. I am going to run it by my production designer and my director of photography. This could work. I believe my script is killer. And I need to attach just one A- lister who believes in the script. My Uncle Hy Anzell did over a dozen movies with Woody Allen, and a lot actors that knew my Uncle I run into occasionally in Central Park and the neighborhood. Now might finally be the time to approach one of them. Or at least try to get a letter of introduction from Woody himself to help me get to one of these actors he has worked with on a regular basis. I like this idea. Once that is done it is a question of setting a Stage 32 meet-up. Ego deflation that is going to be tough one. But whatever it takes. right?

Erik A. Jacobson

Doesn't need to be a Stage 32 meetup., although that might help. Anyone can start a meetup.... check out Meetups grow on trees here in the West; they're everywhere. And it doesn't need to be an A-list name either. There are plenty of out-of-work "name" B-listers or TV veterans you could get for very little or small piece of the back end. Action is probably the most-in-demand genre at the moment, family content next, with drama the slowest unless you have an engaging Ed Burns/Woody Allen type script.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I have been told by several people in the industry that my script "Hope Saves Manhattan" has a Neil Simon/Woody Allen/ Mel Brooks feel to it. Not surprising since those are my influences, and being a Jewish native New Yorker not at all surprising. And again you are right there is always to look into as well. But my heart and soul says I should make it a Stage 32 Meet ups as if it works, I have other scripts in the C&SMP pipeline after this one in various stages of development that will benefit from this method of getting a film made. FYI: HSM is on my profile page under log lines if you get a chance perhaps you can give it a read and let me know what you think.

Erik A. Jacobson

I'll check it out when I have time, Steven. Best wishes.

Evelien And Dorien Twins

We've read the draft you've sent us, Steven...very cool work!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

That means a lot coming from professionals like yourselves. I hope we can work together on upcoming projects.

Marcelo Dietrich

I can appreciate your interest in wanting to form a co-op. I think you'll find help with the premiere crowdfunding/distribution platform for filmmakers: Seed & Spark. They also put it a magazine: Bright Ideas. Check it this article.

Marcelo Dietrich

... and here's Seed & Spark...

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Marcelo- Thank you for your suggestion. However I had already tried several crowd sourcing/crowdfunding campaigns on Indiegogo. I even met John Trigonis the head film guy at Indiegogo as well as our own RB Botto earlier this year at the Tribeca Film Festival panel discussion on this subject. I am going to explore the avenues that I mentioned in my thread for now. I am probably a little raw on that method of funding right now anyway. And FYI the head lady for Seed & Spark was also there and I am familiar with their platform, costs=& structure. So for now I am going to look into co-ops and see if I can get investors through the knowledge I acquire reading Bankroll. Best wishes for and happy and creative New Year with all your upcoming projects.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Marcelo- One more thing just looked at your profile page as it is standard operating procedure when someone comments on one of my threads. Sorry to hear your location is not available. I hope you find a new location real soon.

Reggie Street

Hi Steven, I'm part of the NYC Film Co-op. You should check us out.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Reggie- Thank you!! Joined!! Also some additional groups. Hope we can work on a project together in 2016. I would like it to be my film "Hope Saves Manhattan", But, I know it is a two way street. I work on yours you work on mine. Just FYI My scripts are strongly influenced my my three Musketeers of New York Film : Woody Allen, Neil Simon & Mel Books. Yes I write funny. But there is romance in there too. Later.

Reggie Street

Great! Hopefully I will see you at then next meeting. Happy new year!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

When is the next meeting?

Reggie Street

I believe it's next Wednesday. It's usually Wednesdays but once in awhile the organizer will have it on a Thursday. I would contact Joseph (the organizer) to confirm.

Reggie Street

Also just a heads up there is a cost for membership, but there are different levels of membership. Joseph would probably let you sit on a meeting before asking if you want to be a permanent member.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Okay I'll ask Joseph because funds are tight now I mean I have my social security but my P/T telemarketing gig at Carnegie Hall that I have had since 1998 does not pay very much. And I don't want to have to go back to full time sales work. I'll just call Joseph see what he says. Later. Don't go to Times Square tonight going to be a Zoo.

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