Introduce Yourself : Lamine by Lamine Kakoro

Lamine name's in Australia (melbourne ,Victoria ).i'miss just new on this site.but i am very passionate and anthousiastic,dreamer person,also looking for help,support and opportunity from a good heart and honest person to fulfill my dream.wanna share my life story wish is like a movie."I grow up in the large family where Mum and Dad w as divorce.i suffer a lot and abandoned but give courage to change my life"so I need a producer to contact me please so we can work together to change the generation life to avoid lots of Divorce.I speak French, English and few words in can check on my instagramm by :lamine2014...and my Facebook lamine kakoro. .. I wish everyone happy holidays and life change and successful new year 2016... I 'm looking forward to hearing from you. ....Love you All....

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