Steve here, from the Kansas City area (southern California originally). I've been dabbling in writing both screenplays and long form over the past few year and have had some, though nominal success. I have a full time engineering job, which brought me to KC, so I'm trying to do this as a hobby. I have a handful of short screenplays, mostly inspired by Rod Serling and Tarantino, if that makes sense. I've had some success at a festival recently which has given me a much needed push to keep writing. I'm looking for collaborations in the KC area, or someone to bounce ideas with.
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Hey Steven, welcome to Stage 32! I'm like you writing when I can after work and on weekends. I wouldn't consider it a hobby, though. More like a career that's taking a lot longer than usual to ramp up :-) I'm not in KC but wanted to welcome you here!
Thanks! Until I get paid, or win a cash price, it's a hobby. Luckily I know some people in the indie film world so I might have luck sooner than later. Here's to hoping!