Introduce Yourself : Jeff Bugonian - Voice Actor at Pacific Voiceover by Jeff Bugonian

Jeff Bugonian

Jeff Bugonian - Voice Actor at Pacific Voiceover

Hello Everybody, I am a Voice Over Artist living in Oregon. I work out of my home studio and would love to collaborate with any Filmmakers here on Stage 32. Please see my website, for my demos. They are also listed on my profile. What can do for you?

Richard "RB" Botto

Good to see you, Jeff. Curious...How long did it take you to build your home studio. A question that comes up quite often around here.

Jeff Bugonian

Excellent Question! It was progressive and it will continue to improve. But all together it has taken me about a year to here. I started with a USB microphone, which was great for my training and coaching, but once I started booking work I quickly realized that a large diaphragm condenser was needed. Ised (and still use) Audacity as mt DAW - recording software. Perhaps there will be an upgrade there sometime, but it is not high on the priority list. I also recently purchased an isolation booth for recording. Previously I was using a homemade "porta-booth" style enclosure. It worked OK, but as more work came in I saw the need to upgrade (unless I always wanted to stay up late until my kids went to bed before doing any work). One thing I will say to those who are interested in Voice Over is to get the coaching first. You can't market yourself unless you have the right skill set.

Richard "RB" Botto

Highly interesting, Jeff. Extremely so. If you ever find yourself with the time, I would encourage you to share this info in the Acting section of the Lounge. I think many could benefit from your experience putting this together. I appreciate you sharing with me!

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