I work on a MacBook Pro and use an iPhone. I use the Notes app for 1) Outlining, 2) Ideas to Incorporate, 3) Fix It and 4)To Do List(i.e.: Copyright, get coverage with..., pitch to, contest deadline, send to). My "To Do List" also becomes my Check Off list. I annotate the entries with a "Done On [DATE]". The Notes app interfaces with my MacBook and iPhone, so I always have the information accessible.
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I'm super minimalist mostly because I have to be - I lose track of my organizational plan if it gets too complicated. I have a To Do list on my iphone that I organize by show/project/script. I have three writing Field Notes small notebooks I tote everywhere, divided by project, and one is just for general notes and observations and ideas. Then for each project I have a master Word list of people to contact, companies I want to get in touch with, that sort of thing. That's what I have. What I WANT is a mad together assistant with a giant dayrunner willing to work for karma points and free eggs (I keep hens) =D
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I use a notebook. It's made of a bunch of sheets of paper stuck together at one end. I actually write and keep notes in my Windows PC, but if I have an idea or thought, no matter where I am or what time of the night it is, I can jot it down in the notebook. Does that make me old, or a hipster?
I do a lot of writing and recently finished my third book, published my ninth article, and in the last year completed two feature screenplays and the teaser and first act of a TV pilot (fantasy drama). I use Final Draft and Word in a Window's environment and keep notes on my iPhone 6 Plus. I save everything in three difference locations (computer, separate hard drive, and Cloud) and sent myself the latest version of my working file at three different email addresses. I lost the electronic version of a dissertation long ago but fortunately had a paper copy. I won't let that happen again. I am getting ready to make the transition to Mac and buy an Apple and iPad Pro.
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I usually keep notes and ideas on my computer or my phone, but mostly old fashion notebooks. Lots and lots of notebooks. Like piles of them.
Gilberto: Good point. I save and save and save often. I email myself copies of my script in progress often. I also backup. I lost a story on a hard drive crash once and never got it back. Not doing that again.
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Katt: Retro Hipster