Introduce Yourself : Hello Again! by Lara Gad

Lara Gad

Hello Again!

Hey everyone! I'm Lara Kossover, nice to meet you all. I've just finished working on a screenplay that I'm gonna be turning into a novel! I'm really excited to make this happen. I'm also looking to put together a reel. Video and Audio. So, I have a question for you all: If, say, I never had any voice over work, what would I put on an audio reel? Love Lara

Erik Grossman

Hey Lara! First awesome reel, second, what a friend of mine does is re-record cartoons with her voice. So she'll take a clip from FAMILY GUY and do her version of Louis (not an impression, but her version). You should check out our animation lounge! Lots of animators who do short form content, they might be looking for some talent!

Lara Gad

cool! Thanks :) Are you an animator?

Lara Gad

Yes, Jeff! I will be authoring the novel. I'm quite excited about it. I got some great encouragement from a couple of literary agents and producers. I'm going to be working with a best selling author to help me structure it, since I've never written a novel before. I'm trying to raise money in order to do this, since working with a professional writer cost $$$!

Daniel Lybra

If you started off your clip with a shot of you dancing with fire, I bet it would draw in more viewers. It perked my ears up to hear you do that.

Lara Gad

Daniel, the videos I have of my fire dance performances aren't the best quality. I'll see if I could find a good one for you...

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