Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter/playwright by Robert Kelly McAllister

Robert Kelly McAllister


Hello! Stage 32 is an amazing site, and I am so happy to connect with so many amazing people! I am currently working on pilot and treatment for digital series for top rated production company- hope to have good news soon.

Jeanie Hobgood

Hello Robert. I agree with you; this is a great site. Wishing you success with your projects.

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome to the Stage 32 family, Robert and best of luck on your series, keep us posted and see you in the screenwriting lounge.

Leslie Fish

Hi. I'm Leslie Fish, scriptwriter, and I'm A Toddler On The Information Highway. I have trouble doing much more with computers than getting my email. Nonetheless, I have a couple of completed scripts and I'm working on a third. I'm registered with InkTip and have gotten a few nibbles there, but no bites. Any suggestions as to where else I can post my scripts?

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