Welcome Jeff, I'm pleased to be connected with you good buddy. May introduce myself via www.johnnymackauthor.com which leads onto www.londonboy.tv and from there I was able to achieve getting an award winning director involved in my project https://youtu.be/wt5NM9-OimI Looking at your credentials my thoughts were that there may be something amongst this message that you could use. God bless Jeff and be lucky my friend
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Welcome, Jeff! Great to have you with us - always a pleasure to see another broadcaster in the buildin'!
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Welcome Jeff, I'm pleased to be connected with you good buddy. May introduce myself via www.johnnymackauthor.com which leads onto www.londonboy.tv and from there I was able to achieve getting an award winning director involved in my project https://youtu.be/wt5NM9-OimI Looking at your credentials my thoughts were that there may be something amongst this message that you could use. God bless Jeff and be lucky my friend
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Yes... we do have quite a bit in common. I look forward to networking in some way soon.
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2 people like this
Nice meeting you here! :-)
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