Hello! I'm Lisa. I'm a comedian specializing in character acting and writing. I've won some screenplay contests and am in finals of others. I perform solo sketch and stand up all over Hollywood including at UCB, Nerdmelt, The Steve Allen Theater, and wherever I'm allowed to go up on a stage and be a goof! Wanna be a goof with me? Wanna hire me to be a goof? I'd love it! Theeeeeeeeenks!
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Hi Lisa, maybe I've seen you around somewhere... :) Nerdmelt, I haven't been there in a while, need to make the trip out there soon. Good to meet you on here, and hope to see you live sometime. Cheers, T.
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Hello Lisa, glad to make your acquaintance.
Hey guys! Sorry! I really dropped the ball on this, but yeah it's for sure possible that you saw me at Nerdmelt! Hope you're great! Have a good Sunday
Haha, while bears usually go into hibernation in September until April, comedians tend to go into a deep sleep mode in February, but they wake up along with the bears so that they have at least that one thing in common. :) I was just invited to Nerdmelt on Saturday, apparently there were a lot of free improv shows going on all day, I missed this one again. Living in South Bay sometimes feels like living in another state.
Oh, it is another state.