My passion is sci fi with a tinge of comedy. I became interested in science from an early age while watching Felix the Cat with his stupid bag and wishing I was Poindexter. I spent 17 years as a full time space scientist. Then worked for the Man (twice until I learned my lesson), then started my own business. I've been writing short stories and scripts all throughout my career because I loved to. A few years ago I finally realized that is actually what I live for (after my daughter). Since then I've been writing scripts, reading for the AFF, making TV shows etc.. My latest project is a comedy TV show called "Off The Cuff" that is something new and filmed in Austin, Texas. The one thing that has been getting under my skin all these years is how scientists are always portrayed in movies as mad or silly or megalomaniacs. I am working on a movie script and a TV series where we are portrayed as ordinary people just smarter, better looking, with more hair and talking like a hipster so Yo frack that Brah!